Taking The Party Season in Our Stride
Two New Dresses Exclusively On Net-A-Porter
Taking the party season in our stride as September approaches, Louisa Parris dresses are made for movement and ease! With another two new prints added to the collection, there's a dress for everyone! 
 campbell louisa parris net a porter 
The Campbell

The reason I have named this print the ‘Campbell' is a nod to the wonderful British textiles and print artist's Susan Collier & Sarah Campbell - I have grown up with some of their prints at home, and my mother wearing their vibrant bold scarves. 

I drew inspiration from their archives, along with the shapes seen in cut glass crystal.
louisa parris net a porter 
campbell dress net a porter 
The Pompe

When I start a new collection my research can be wide - but colour always has its place from the beginning and I usually know when I feel a certain hue or tone needs to be used.

I can draw more than 100 designs each season, always returning to a few sketches to refine them.

The Pompe design is one that I had to keep tweaking. Getting the lavender right and making the mint green and orange pop was important. The final element was the black; the full stop and the final mark on the print. 
 pompe louisa parris net a porter
pope dress net a porter
 louisa parris net a porter 
 Colour inspiration on the walls in Louisa's studio.